The group is given a monthly challenge, normally to take photographs fitting a given theme, using any level of equipment, from a complex camera to a simple phone. The themes are designed to get the members thinking about what they are taking and have included subjects such as light and shade, panoramic and low viewpoint.
The results are reviewed at the monthly meeting and constructive feedback given.
We also look at the technical aspects of photography, understanding our photographic equipment and the use of digital editing. Camera workshops are held, to help members overcome issues using their kit. Also, practical sessions and field trips are arranged, which allow members to work together and gain inspiration from each other.
The group contains a few more experienced photographers, who are always willing to help with advice and problem solving. These members also give presentations on the creative and technical aspects of photography.
Since the group was formed, just before lockdown, there has been a marked improvement in the overall standard of the images submitted to our monthly challenges. However, we still consider ourselves to be a 'mixed ability' group and happily welcome members at any level of experience or ability.