Meet and Eat
Time - Various
Week - When Required
Day - Various
Venue - As Arranged
Vacancies - Registering Interest
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
DawnOldfield - Meet and Eat
Crete Taverna 23 Jan 202519:00
The Office 11 Feb11 Feb 202519:00
The Office 26th Feb26 Feb 202519:00




The Meet and Eat Group meets monthly (sometimes twice in the month) where our aim is social informal dining. Our aim is to allow members to enjoy a moderately priced meal, usually with a fixed menu which is chosen beforehand. Members are encouraged to spread themselves around each evening as the aim is to get to know as many people as possible. We invariably have a quiz which encourages members to interact where they may not know each other beforehand

We visit a variety of places, mostly around Southport, and sometimes even venture as far as Liverpool!!, for evening meals together, typically in groups of 25-30. 

It is especially useful for single people or newcomers to the area, or the u3a as a way of meeting people .

You will usually make your menu choices in advance. Because we only pay on the night, we have to ensure we are covered in the event of a member failing to arrive and being charged for their food by the venue. So to be a member you lodge a £10 deposit which is retained if that happens.