Gerryatric and the Pacemakers
Time - 11:00 to 12:30
Week - Weekly
Day - Thursday
Venue - Sacred Heart Church Ainsdale
Vacancies - Waiting List
Venue Map
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
No events to show.  This is normal if the group holds regular meetings.

Please be aware that I've closed enrolment to the group until 19th December, due to performing on the 5th and 12th Dec.


(More a social group that sings, than a choir!)

This group will be singing songs from our youth

Join us, have a chuckle and make new friends

Here's a selection of our motley crew - just come back from the pub!

You don’t need to be a Pavarotti or read music – just be able to carry a tune

We will mainly be singing in unison (the tune; altogether) with some simple harmonies

The Musical Director is Andrea (yes, she is certified!)

Every Thursday at Sacred Heart Church, 483 Liverpool Rd, Ainsdale, PR8 3BP between 11am and 12.30 (with a tea and biscuit break)

Price is £3

There's always a place for you if you contact me!

Enrol on-line on the u3a web site, at the next u3a meeting at Christ Church Lord St., or just turn up!