Floral Art
Time - 13:00 to 15:00
Week - Second
Day - Wednesday
Venue - Lakeside Christian Centre
Vacancies - 2
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
Catherine MWhiteside
No events to show.  This is normal if the group holds regular meetings.

  Floral Art   

 We are an informal friendly group. A theme for an arrangement is demonstrated one month and carried out the next month. The results are variations on a theme.

Our leaders, Betty, Ria & Kath will guide you through the relaxing processes of flower arranging.

Be suprised at what you can achieve from very little.

New Members are always welcome, please join via this group page and "call Betty for a welcome chat".

 Group Leader Betty on 07712 290666

 We have a lively WhatsApp group with lots of photos and information (if you wish to be included).

Meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the Christian Life Centre at the end of the Marine Lake 1-3pm.  Our next meeting is 12th February.

The cost is £5 per session and we will no longer charge for absences, but do let us know if you intend to be on holiday.

Please scroll down for our next challenge and our latest creations.

Xria's Triangular Design for February


Members own ideas




        "Betty's   Christmas  Challenge"

We enjoyed a super Christmas meeting filled with festive flowers, a delicious home made lunch and time to chat and admire our creations. 





      Kath's design for November

          "Think of fireworks"




 Autumnal Angles

Xria's design for October



 Betty's design for the September

"Our Heartfelt Tributes"





        August Theme was "Sunflower Sensation" designed by Kath

        Our variety of creations on the theme

  "Fun Day in May"