Floral Art
Time - 13:00 to 15:00
Week - Second
Day - Wednesday
Venue - Lakeside Christian Centre
Vacancies - 5
Group Leaders
First NameSurname

Floral Art is an informal friendly group. A theme for an arrangement is demonstrated one month and carried out the next month. The results are Variations on a theme. We have three ladies who demonstrate and are happy to assist with completing arrangements.

New members welcome, just bring a bunch of flowers and a container. The cost is £5 per session and we will no longer charge for absences, but please let us know if you expect to be on holiday for a class. 

All new members please contact the Group Leader Betty on 07712 290666

Please click on the Events for each month - ABOVE- for the material you will need to bring along with you to the meetings.


April's Creations by the members


May's Arrangement

created by Kath

Theme "Rose Garden"