Bridge 2 - The Beginners
Time - 10:00 to 12:00
Week - Weekly
Day - Monday
Venue - Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
Vacancies - Waiting List
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
No events to show.  This is normal if the group holds regular meetings.

Beginners Bridge started in September 2022 and will stay as a group as the present members are having such a great time learning & practicing their new bridge skills, and wish the group to continue.

We are a friendly bunch, ranging from those who have played the game in the past and are rusty, to those of us completely new to the game. So if you've never tried the game you may be pleasantly surprised and become as addicted to it as several newbies have found. It's an excellent and sociable way of keeping the old grey matter stimulated.

It's only £3 a meeting to cover venue costs and includes a cuppa & yummy biscuits. Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church (with car park) is located on Waterloo Road Birkdale a short walk from Hillside train station & on main bus routes. So come and join us for a stimulating couple of hours on Monday mornings, you'll be made most welcome.