Tenpin Bowling
Time - 10:15 to 12:30
Week - Second
Day - Tuesday
Venue - Tenpin, Ocean Plaza
Vacancies - 2
Venue Map
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
No events to show.  This is normal if the group holds regular meetings.

If you want to play an indoor game in which it doesn't matter at all whether you are any good, Tenpin Bowling might be for you.  You can be as competitive or as laid back as you like and if those gutters have a magical magnetic attraction to your ball we can raise the bumpers, to keep you on the straight(ish) and narrow.

The group will meet on the second Tuesday of every month during school term time.  During that time, the lanes are half price and so is the coffee/tea.  Plus, you won't have to cope with dozens of screaming children, only some adults screaming with delight/frustration (delete as appropriate).

We will play two games, at a cost of approximately £5.60, to be paid direct to the establishment when you arrive.  You can use your own shoes if you like (flat shoes only), but will need to get them checked by the staff for suitability.

Booking is not necessary - however:

Due to the way the bowling alley booking system works, the most efficient method is for us to book in together.  Therefore, we will have a cut-off time of 10:20.  All members present at 10:20 will pay, get their shoes and be assigned lanes.  The number of people per lane will depend upon how many are present.

If you arrive after 10:20 there is a chance that our lanes will be full and you may end up on a lane by yourself.

Obviously we will try to avoid you bowling on a lane by yourself, but the best way to prevent that happening is to be there on time. 😊