Snooker 2
Time - 13:00 to 16:00
Week - Weekly
Day - Friday
Venue - Southport Central
Vacancies - 5
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
No events to show.  This is normal if the group holds regular meetings.

We are a new group.   

We welcome both beginners and experienced players.

To use the facility you need  to register as an associate member of the Southport Central club ( this cost £15 / year)  Once you  completed the forms you can use the club's facilities during opening hours but you cannot bring a visitor to play snooker ; unless you are registered as a full member.

Play is controlled by a  time switch which power up the lights above  the  snooker table, it takes pound coins (£1 will last for 15 min) . You are advised to bring at least 3 pound coins for this purpose.

There are 4 tables and  it was agreed we can  use up to 3 tables leaving one for non U3a players..

The snooker balls are available on loan from the bar and you have to leave a £5 deposit which is refunded on the  return of the balls. 

Refreshments are available at the bar. 

it would be helpful if you remove the table cover before play and replace it at the end of the session. ( Please avoid getting chalk on the table).

Games are played both in singles and doubles. And it's advisable that you have your own snooker cue and chalk.