Time - 10:00 to 12:00
Week - Weekly
Day - Friday
Venue - Cherish Centre
Vacancies - 6
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
No events to show.  This is normal if the group holds regular meetings.

Welcome to the Southport U3A Banjolele Group Page

The banjolele, also known as the banjo ukulele, is a four-stringed musical instrument with a small banjo-type body and a fretted ukulele neck. The earliest known banjoleles were built by John A Bolander and by Alvin D Keech in 1917.The instrument acheived it's greatest popularity in the 1920's and 30's and combines the small scale tuning and playing style of a ukulele with the construction and distinctive tone of a banjo, hence the name. It's development was pushed by the need for vaudeville performers to have an instrument that could be played with the ease of the ukulele, but with more volume. [Wikipedia 2022].

Our group started in 2018 when a few frustrated banjolele players were looking for a ukulele group who did not mind our 'volume' (we were not popular). Once we got together in the privacy of our own venue, we put together a collection of up-beat music ranging from the original 1920's to the present day. Each week our aim is to play the music we love and have some fun. Along the way we have the stage name 'The Banjaxed Banjolele Band' and have played venues from Ramsbottom (at the World Black Pudding Lobbing Championships) to Knowsley Dementia Cafe and places inbetween to help to raise money for charity (and enjoy ourselves along the way).

We welcome new members who may never have played an instrument before to come along and give it a go! No need to purchase anything as we can lend you an intrument and provide the music to avoid the financial outlay incase it's not for you. Just contact one of our leaders and we'll give you the information you need. At the time of writing it's free for two weeks then £3 per session that you attend, no up-front monies necessary, no need to pay if you can’t attend.

Latest News March 2023

We have completed our move to The Cherish Centre. As you can see by our latest photos, everyone seems to have settled in well!

JUDITH ABBOTT (Leader) -mob:07840828211