Badminton 2
Time - 14:00 to 16:00
Week - Weekly
Day - Thursday
Venue - Dunes Leisure Centre
Attendance Fee - £3.50
Vacancies - 4
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
No events to show.  This is normal if the group holds regular meetings.


All players, whether you have never played previously, not played for numerous years, are a novice, or an experienced player of many years, are welcome to join us.  

You will however need comfortable clothing and footwear, suitable for use in a sports hall.

You don't need a racquet to try out the sport with us but I do require that you inform me before you attend so that I can ensure a spare racquet is available for you to borrow.  You will be expected to purchase your own racquet if you decide to join us.  Charity shops are usually a good supplier! 

Unless notified otherwise we meet every Thursday, between 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm at Dunes Leisure Centre, The Esplanade, Southport, PR8 1RX. 

The cost per session is £3.50p.

 We play mixed, ladies and men's doubles and currently have four courts. 

There is ample car parking (your payment is refundable from Dunes Reception, if you advise them that you are playing badminton).  Do not however forget to display your ticket as the car park is patrolled.

The venue is well served by the following buses: 2, 2X, 15, 15A, 40, 47, 49, 375 and 385 all stopping close to Morrisons Supermarket.  Dunes Leisure Centre, is located just behind Morrisons Supermarket car park.