Time - 19:00 to 21:00
Week - Fourth
Day - Tuesday
Venue - Gables Bridge Club, 21 Queens Rd. PR9 9HN
Vacancies - 5
Venue Map
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
No events to show.  This is normal if the group holds regular meetings.

No prior knowledge of astronomy or observing equipment is required, just a desire to learn. The purpose of the group is to explore all aspects of Astronomy and the universe around us, while having a good time with a very friendly and lively group of people. If you decide to purchase a telescope or binoculars, sound advice will be given on the most suitable equipment to match your needs and budget.

The Gables Bridge Club on Queen's Road is an ideal venue for the group; clean, warm and comfortable, with all facilities. The venue is close to numerous bus routes and 10 minutes from Southport MLS. Car parking spaces are available at the Club and on road parking can be found close by. Hot and cold drinks and biscuits are provided. After October 2025, the attendance will be £2, to cover room rental and donations to speakers.

Throughout the year group members travel to local astronomical observatories and other places of historic astronomical interest. Evening talks at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston are also attended.

Weather and sky permitting, stargazing parties are held.

For lots of good information on astronomy go to this website:-

                           U3A ASTRO GROUP PROGRAMME - 2025

* N.B. The 5th Tuesday in April




28 January

How stars form, live and die


25 February

Isaac Roberts - a Welsh Astronomer


25 March

Exoplanets and the Search for Alien Life

Dr Simon Ebo UCLan

29 April*

How Galaxies form, live and die


27 May

Exploring the Solar System I & II

Dr Steve Barrett LU

24 June



22 July

The Hesketh Park Observatory


26 August



23 September

Just a Second!


28 October



25 November

  Exploring the Solar System III & IV   

Dr Steve Barrett LU

10 December

Winter Solstice Dinner
